
Demon's Regalia: Colosseum is...

Well; in terms of development, I haven't opened UE since uploading version 0.1.6 e because I've spent the whole time modeling the next character: the Harpy. From all the models currently in the game, the harpy to me was the hardest to make so far. I tried a new method modeling the wings, the skirt of the dress was annoying to connect and adjust with the butt, same with her chest And she's still one of the simpler designs. I fear for modeling the Tier 2 of the characters. That's going to suck.

That said; as you can see from the pictures above, she's still not done yet, the rig isn't fully complete yet and I haven't done the outline part ether. But once she is done I can start animating, do the game updates of 0.1.7 and hopefully the starting cutscene. 

The harpy in general is my 4th favorite monster girl, that's why two of my games have them.

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